
Thursday, June 11, 2015

It's not clean unless its....

So I was watching TV  and saw a Clorox commercial, and at the end of the commercial it said "It's not clean unless it's bleach." It got me thinking.. Do not get me wrong I stockpile bleach in my house! WE HAVE WHITE TOWELS WHY WOULD I NOT HAVE BLEACH??? (side note do not buy white towels) So last night I was playing around and needed to clean my kitchen floor, because its not cleaning the floor when you just vacuum (even though thats what the hubs things). So the grout in one spot has been kind of spotty since we moved in 4 YEARS ago, and trust me I TRIED BLEACH! It didn't help. So I took to google, pinterest, and other oil boards to see if my handy dandy new oils could help me out. VOILA! I found tons of ideas, except some of them included oils I didn't have. So I used what I read plus my common sense to make a cleaner. Here is what I did:
(be aware do not shake bottle with lid on, swish it around before the lid because as you might remember from 7th grade science class vinegar and baking soda make a volcano)

It really did do wonders. The hubs was watching TV in the other room and said how good it smelt. Neither of us enjoy the smell of bleach but that's what we knew to use. Yes this does take a little bit of prep work, but it does clean just as good, IF NOT BETTER, than BLEACH! So now my saying is "It's not clean unless it's Kennedy's Cleaner"

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

He's starting to get it

So last week the hubs came back. Like most men, he relaxed and caught up on time change then went out and played 36 holes of golf! WHAT?!? Don't get me wrong golf is pretty cool, especially when its your passion and you get to do it for work, but who wants to play 36 holes in a row?? Anyways the next morning he woke up in pain in his ribs and back.. My go to for this would be PanAway, but I lent that out to a friend so I only had my coconut oil and peppermint.. I lathered that on him and he was like OHHH it's like IcyHot or BioFreeze but not sticky! Thats when I wanted to do a Face Palm and say DOH! Anyways now he kind of gets it.. He was a little off guard last night when I didn't put the diffuser on ("because he likes the water sound") we really know he likes the scents, but I ran out of lavender : ( Convincing him was my ultimate goal, so I am half way to winning!!

I did just receive my grapefruit oil, I haven't got to try it that much yet just diffused this morning to kill the odor in the air (I ran out of Purification as well). I keep looking for new ways, I have seen its  go to for weight loss, but I have not tried it!

Below you will see a recipe for a sugar scrub I made last weekend for a bridal shower I was throwing! It is my go to for smooth silky legs and arms!

(make sure to keep in an airtight container like below)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

An Open Letter To Students

Dear Students:
Today we say goodbye. Remember at the beginning of the year when we met? You were unsure of me, and I was unsure of you? Remember all the learning curves we had to go through together? What you liked, what I liked? What we needed so we could both be successful? Well guess what we made it! It wasn't easy, but nothing in life is going to be easy. Life is about learning and growing with your surroundings. I like peace and quiet, you liked loud and noisy, but together we found a calming peace!

Remember when you told me you didn't like me? I know I still had a smile on my face when I responded with "ok" but that hurt. It hurts because I care about you. The next day you came in and hugged me and we started all over again. That's how life works, you take it one step at a time, each day is new.

Remember when you told me I meant the world to you? Well little did you know you are my world. Each day I wake up excited to see your bright face. Each day I wonder what new adventure we will find. Remember when you were so excited you could finally read a whole book on your own? You told me I taught you well. Well kid, you taught me. You taught me what it was like to be happy with the simple things in life. To see so much heartache before 7, but still have a smile on your face.

Remember when you needed new shoes, so I got you some? I did that because I love and care about you and need you to feel wanted. Because you are wanted, you are special! That same day you tore up my classroom and told me you wished I was never your teacher. I just cleaned up the room and said ok we will try better tomorrow and guess what tomorrow came and we did try better!

My job is to teach, your job is to learn. Sometimes those roles get reversed. Kid you taught me a love that I did not know existed. You taught me to care about something bigger than myself. You taught me to see the world in a new light. You say a teacher is a hero, but you are my hero! You wake up and get yourself to school each morning, do your best to learn, and go home and take care of yourself each night. Somedays it might be rough and somedays you might want to give up, but don't!

You are the best version of you that you can be! You are enough! You are more than a test or a body in a classroom! You are my student, my kid, my baby, and you are special. You are unique, one of a kind. Somedays you might be grumpy, angry, and all out hostile, but I know your love for your teacher will show tomorrow. Remember there is always tomorrow. Remember the teacher that is there to care for you at school. Next time you want to show that angry side remember my teacher loves me and cares for me.

Thank you kid for teaching me how to see the world. Thank you for molding me into a more adaptable teacher. Thank you for teaching me that every student is not the same, that every student is going to be treated differently, but most of all THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME TEACH YOU!

With Love,

Mrs. Kennedy

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Where is summer????

Man this teacher is so ready for SUMMER!! I was like aww man my audience must miss me (what audience, lol) I'm pretty sure my readers are my mom, my 3 friends, and myself! (I joke a little)!

But lets get back to summer! SO SO SO READY! So ready that I have finally been able to kind of relax and feel myself getting sick! So anyways my throat was killing me and I was like "AINT NO BODY GOT TIME FOR DAT" so I whipped out that Purification and Thieves and rubbed it all over my neck, for two days! WOULD YA KNOW IT?? I feel so much better.. Like no swollen glands!!

I am a true believe now, because boy do I get sick a lot! I also have been diffusing Thieves like crazy and Lavender for sleep. Its no joke in my house it smells like an OIL HEAVEN! I am going to be cleaning my classroom tomorrow with Thieves and Lemon to kill those germs and make it smell so fresh for summer school kids to arrive!

I will get back to posting about different oils after I get my act together and clean up this classroom! Until then ask questions and I will answer away! WOOHOO!! Did I mention I cannot wait until summer??