So I was watching TV and saw a Clorox commercial, and at the end of the commercial it said "It's not clean unless it's bleach." It got me thinking.. Do not get me wrong I stockpile bleach in my house! WE HAVE WHITE TOWELS WHY WOULD I NOT HAVE BLEACH??? (side note do not buy white towels) So last night I was playing around and needed to clean my kitchen floor, because its not cleaning the floor when you just vacuum (even though thats what the hubs things). So the grout in one spot has been kind of spotty since we moved in 4 YEARS ago, and trust me I TRIED BLEACH! It didn't help. So I took to google, pinterest, and other oil boards to see if my handy dandy new oils could help me out. VOILA! I found tons of ideas, except some of them included oils I didn't have. So I used what I read plus my common sense to make a cleaner. Here is what I did:

(be aware do not shake bottle with lid on, swish it around before the lid because as you might remember from 7th grade science class vinegar and baking soda make a volcano)
It really did do wonders. The hubs was watching TV in the other room and said how good it smelt. Neither of us enjoy the smell of bleach but that's what we knew to use. Yes this does take a little bit of prep work, but it does clean just as good, IF NOT BETTER, than BLEACH! So now my saying is "It's not clean unless it's Kennedy's Cleaner"
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